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An electronic system providing control over alcohol products movement to be developed in Uzbekistan

An electronic system providing control over alcohol products movement to be developed in Uzbekistan
6 August 2018

Another important issue – prevention of cases of clandestine production and sale of alcohol products was considered at the meeting devoted to issues of expansion of vineyards and development of winemaking. To do this, it is necessary to widely implement information technologies. The Ministry for Development of Information Technologies and Communications and “Uzsharobsanoat” JSC were instructed to take measures on development and introduction, by June 1, 2019, of an electronic system that provides control over the movement of alcohol products through the chain “manufacturer – wholesaler – retailer – consumer”.

During the discussion of the industry leaders’ proposals on phased elimination of monopoly in alcoholic beverages sale and privatization, the need was noted for in-depth study of this issue, taking into account prevention of various speculations, in particular “second lines”, and new schemes for concealing profits, assessment of the impact of implementation of this proposal on admission to the budget of excise duties and value added tax, how the records of produced and sold products in general will be maintained. An appropriate conclusion on this issue should be given by the General Prosecutor’s Office and the State Tax Committee.

The issue of preventing penetration of smuggled alcohol products and ethyl alcohol into the territory of the country was also considered at the meeting. It was noted that the State Customs Committee together with law enforcement agencies should pay special attention to carrying out operational measures on eliminating this problem.

Source: UzA

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