Within the framework of its activity “Uzsharobsanoat” SC carried out permanent work aimed to establishing and developing trade and economic relations to foreign countries. Nowadays the enterprises of Holding have developed sustainable commercial relations to more than 20 countries of the world.
Dynamics of Export by Types of Products
per 2006 - 2012
Export structure by countries, %
Export structure by types of products, %
To study the world experience in the field of current winegrowing and viniculture since 2008 manufacturing program have been set up and organized annual basis for exchange of experience, research technologies of grape-growing and winemaking production, manufacturing equipment with sending experts of holding enterprises to the advanced countries in the sphere of present-day winegrowing and viniculture, like: France, Italy, Spain, German and others. Owing to practical familiarization and study of advanced experience and novel technologies invaluable vision and knowledge were obtained for forming further strategy for development of the branch enterprises. For recent years in Uzbekistan an integral system of government promotion to export had been formed together with the system of developing the most favorable investment climate, decrease of business expenses, local manufacturing content, introduction of state-of-the-art technologies and development of innovation activity.
The enterprises of “Uzsharobsanoat” Company are used to carry out technical audit on permanent basis together with update and modernization of the operating existing industries, introduction of state-of-the-art and innovation technologies.