The Form of investment proposal
JSC Samvinkombinat named after Hovrenko
(Developed on the basis of Generally Accepted International Standards)
Section I.
1.1. - General information on the enterprise
Full name - Joint Stock Company Samarkand Vinkombinat name after Hovrenko
The plant is located in the Zarafshan intermountain area on the surface of the piedmont plains of the northern slopes of the Karatube Mount.
Legal address of the company - No.58, Koshgari str., postal code 104100, Samarkand, Samarkand region, Republic of Uzbekistan
Form of ownership – a joint stock company
Parent organization - "Uzvinprom-holding" Holding Company
Total area - 6,5 hectares
- Built-up area - 1.84 ha
- Access way area - 4,29 hectares
- Landscaping area - 0.37 ha
Аttached File:
Form of Investment Proposal
For JSC «Shakhrizabz Vino-Aroq»
(Developed on the basis of Generally Accepted International Standards)
1.1. Resume - General Information about Enterprise
Full Name of Enterprise JSC “Shakhrizabz Vino-Aroq”
Ownership Form Joint-Stock Company
Statutory Fund 1320242000 (one billion three hundred twenty million two hundred forty two thousand) soums
Legal Address of Enterprise 170, Ipak Yuli Street, Kashkadarya Region
Republic of Uzbekistan, 731700
Аttached File: