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Varieties of Grapes

Характеристика технических сортов винограда


Central Asian variety. It is distributed in Parkent district of Tashkent Region. Variety is a strong growing type. Crop capacity is 150-250 c/ha. Flower is monoecious. Bunch is very large (750-800 g), of cone type shape. Berry is medium (3 g), round, color is light green. It ripes in 1 decade of September. Sugar content is 18-19%, acidity is 6-7%. The crop is used for making table wines well as champagne and cognac wine materials.


The motherland Georgia. It was brought to Uzbekistan around one hundred years ago. Variety is a strong growing type. Crop capacity is 100-250 c/ha. Flower is monoecious. Bunch is medium 150-200 g, of cone type shape. Berry is medium (1.7-1.8 g) oval, black color. It ripes in 2 decade of September. Sugar content is 25-27%, acidity is 7-8%. The crop is used for making high quality extractive red table and dessert wines.


The motherland of variety is Georgia. It is widely distributed in Uzbekistan. Variety is a strong growing type. Crop capacity is 160-250 c/ha. Flower is monoecious. Bunch is medium (150-200 g), of cone and cylindri-cal shape. Berry is medium (2 g), oval, of golden yellow color. It ripes in 1 decade of September. Sugar con-tent is 28-29%, acidity is 5%. The crop is used for making high quality dessert wines as well as champagne and cognac wine materials.

May Black

It was brought to Uzbekistan from Moldavia. A middle-sized variety. Crop yield: 200-300 cent/hectare. A bisexual flower. A bunch of grapes is middle: 200-240g and cone-shaped. A berry is of a middle size (1.2-1.5 g) – round and black. It ripens in 1- 2 decade of September. Sugar content is 27-29%, acidity is 3.4-5.5%. High-quality dessert wine is produced of the crop.

Rosy Muscat

It was brought to Uzbekistan from the Crimea. A middle-sized variety. Crop yield: 140-150 cent/hectare. A bisexual flower. A bunch of grapes is middle: (170-300г) of a conical and cylindrical form. A berry is of a middle size (1.1-1.8 g) – round and dark-red. It ripens in 1st decade of September. Sugar content is 28-30%, acidity is 5-6%. High-quality dessert wine with Muscat odor is produced of the crop.

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